Helping you grow into new markets.

Find out how Language Ops came about and what drives us.


With Language Ops we wanted to create an extremely simple way for businesses to expand into new markets.

We’ve removed the layers of admin and rounds of trial and error, ensured final polish and SEO, engagement, conversion goals were reached, all in a package that gives us the space to do our best work.


Luke Spear

CEO, Senior Translator and PM

How is Language Ops different?

We have taken the process of content translation project management and streamlined every part. This gives clients a full-service, senior PM-managed and fully accredited team at a much more cost-effective rate than hiring the equivalent full-time.

Rather than just offer a platform for clients to work things out themselves, we charge enough to give ourselves the room to do our best work for a fraction of the cost of agencies, in-house PMs and freelancers. This frees you up to create value through your product or service, while benefiting from potentially exponential growth in new markets.

Our Mission

As career-perfectionists, we hold ourselves to high standards. These are reflected in our work’s high quality bar, our equitable relationships and our long-term strategic processes. Our technical knowledge allows us to add further value, all in-house, and to offer the most cost-effective content-translation service.

If we can grow client businesses with these values, we will consider that to be a great success. The rest builds from there.

Language Ops benefits


Spend on average 90% less time
managing multilingual content


Double your potential
traffic levels through translation


Reduce translation
costs by getting it right first time


Double engagement
and conversions through native, reader-focused writing

Let’s make
something great

Working with teams doing great work, and making them look equally great in new markets is why we do this.

Your translation partner now
and in the years to come

We want to support your initial growth in new markets, but also continute to see it grow through an ever increasing audience around the world.

On-hand support
around the clock

We’re available to answer your technical or language queries by email, Signal, phone and video call any time.

Who is behind Language Ops?

Luke Spear has founded LO after 15 years as a professional translator. He started his career translating some 100+ Franco-Belgian comic books then moving on to commercial work for automotive, legal and financial brands. He has run a full-service translation agency, World to Writers, since 2008, before starting Linguaquote, a SaaS translation platform. He is now combining those activities into a streamlined service that does one thing, and does it well. Content translation.

Luke lives in Melbourne, England, with his wife and two children.



We welcome applications from well-established, accredited and specialist translators to add to the team.

Contact us